In simplest terms, Visionary Fiction is a fiction genre with spiritual themes and perspectives, including consciousness expansion, spirituality, mysticism, and parapsychology. While the basic definition of visionary fiction is now generally accepted, it remains an evolving genre.

The Visionary Fiction Alliance defines the term thus: "Visionary Fiction embraces spiritual and esoteric wisdom, often from ancient sources, and makes it relevant for our modern life. These gems of wisdom are brought forth in story form and in a way that readers can experience the wisdom from within themselves. It emphasizes and envisions humanity's transition into evolved consciousness. While there is a strong theme, it in no way proselytizes or preaches. Visionary is a tone as well as a genre. The ‘visionary’ element can technically be present in any genre and set in any time."

​My writing also falls into the Magical Realism category which is fiction that presents a realistic view of the world while incorporating magical elements, often blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Magic is all around us! We just need to attune to its presence and beauty.

​My debut novel is part of the series called The Evensong Enchantments and is titled Sacrifice. Please head over to my BOOKS page to find out all about this exciting story, set in medieval France! And check out my BIO page to learn more about my lifelong adventures in writing which ultimately led to novels of Visionary Fiction.